Research Interests
- Biology Education
- Equity in STEM Education
- Learning Assistants
My regular courses are:
- Dunlop School 93 (Introductory Biology – DNA to Organisms)
- Dunlop School 100 (Scientific Writing)
- Dunlop School D170 (Anatomy)
- Recent (2022-2023) syllabi and sample teaching resources
- Learning Assistant Faculty Advisor
- Conference co-director, SABER West
Education Research and Pedagogy Publications
Parsell JA, Blystone A, Williams AE. 2022. Transitioning Two-Stage Exams to an Online Class. CourseSource 9.
Vemu, S., Denaro, K., Sato, B. K., & Williams, A. E. (2022). Moving the needle: evidence of an effective study strategy intervention in a community college biology course. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(2), ar24.
Park, E. S., Harlow, A., AghaKouchak, A., Baldi, B., Burley, N., Buswell, N., Crooks, R., Denenberg, D., Ditto, P., Edwards, K., Junqueira, M. G., Geragotelis, A., Holton, A., Lanning, J., Lehman, R., Chen, A., Pantano, A., Rinehart, J., Walter, M., Williams, A. E.., Wong-Ma, J., Yassa, M., Sato, B. (2021). Instructor facilitation mediates students’ negative perceptions of active learning instruction. PLOS ONE, 16(12), e0261706.
Williams, A. E., & O’Dowd, D. K. (2021). Seven practical strategies to add active learning to a science lecture. Neuroscience Letters, 743, 135317.
Williams, A. E., Denaro, K., Dennin, M. B., & Sato, B. K. (2020). A survey of study skills of first-year university students: the relationships of strategy to gender, ethnicity and course type. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Sato, B.K., Dinh-Dang, D., Cruz-Hinojoza, E., Denaro, K., Hill, C.F. and Williams, A. (2018). The impact of instructor exam feedback on student understanding in a large-enrollment biology course. BioScience, 68(8), pp.601-611
Williams, A.E. A case study in biology. (2017). In L. Santos Green, J. R. Banas, & R. Perkins (Eds.), The flipped college classroom: Conceptualized and re-conceptualized. New York: Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-41855-1
Williams, A.E., Aguilar-Roca, N. M., & O’Dowd, D. K. (2016). Lecture capture podcasts: differential student use and performance in a large introductory course. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(1), 1-12
Jiang, S., A.E. Williams, M. Warschauer, W. He, & D.K. O’Dowd. (2014). Influence of incentives on performance in a pre-college biology MOOC. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 15(5)
Aguilar-Roca, N.M., A.E. Williams, & D.K. O’Dowd. (2012). The impact of laptop-free zones on student attitudes and performance. Computers and Education 59 (4): 1300-1308
Williams, A.E., N. Aguilar-Roca, M. Tsai, M. Wong, M. Moravec Beaupre, D.K. O’Dowd. (2011). Assessment of learning gains associated with independent exam analysis in introductory biology. CBE Life Sciences Education 11: 346-356
Moravec, M., A.E. Williams, N. Aguilar-Roca, D.K. O’Dowd. (2010). Learn before lecture: a strategy that improves learning outcomes in a large introductory biology class. CBE Life Sciences Education 9(4): 473-481
Aguilar-Roca, N., A.E. Williams, R. Warrior, D.K. O’Dowd. (2009). Two-minute training in class significantly increases the use of professional formatting in student to faculty email correspondence. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3: 1-15
Biology Research Publications
Williams A.E., M.R. Rose and T.J. Bradley. (2004). The respiratory pattern in Drosophila melanogaster selected for desiccation resistance is not associated with the observed evolution of decreased locomotory activity. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77 (1): 10-17
Bradley, T.J., A.E. Williams and M.R. Rose. (1999). Physiological responses to selection for desiccation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. American Zoologist 39 (2): 337
Williams, A.E. and T.J. Bradley. (1998). The effect of respiratory pattern on water loss in desiccation-resistant Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 2953-9
Williams, A.E., M.R. Rose and T.J. Bradley. (1998). Using laboratory selection for desiccation resistance to examine the relationship between respiratory pattern and water loss in insects. Journal of Experimental Biology 201: 2945-52
Williams, A.E., M.R. Rose and T.J. Bradley. (1997). Ventilatory pattern in Drosophila melanogaster: the effect of selection for desiccation resistance. Journal of Experimental Biology 200: 615-624