Home News Exciting research from Max Plikus and Raul Ramos has identified a novel skeletal tissue ‘lipocartilage’ with resilient properties that could aid tissue reconstruction!

Exciting research from Max Plikus and Raul Ramos has identified a novel skeletal tissue ‘lipocartilage’ with resilient properties that could aid tissue reconstruction!


Conventionally, the size, shape, and biomechanics of cartilages are determined by their voluminous extracellular matrix. By contrast, we found that multiple murine cartilages consist of lipid-filled cells called lipochondrocytes. Despite resembling adipocytes, lipochondrocytes were molecularly distinct and produced lipids exclusively through de novo lipogenesis. Consequently, lipochondrocytes grew uniform lipid droplets that resisted systemic lipid surges and did not enlarge upon obesity. Lipochondrocytes also lacked lipid mobilization factors, which enabled exceptional vacuole stability and protected cartilage from shrinking upon starvation. Lipid droplets modulated lipocartilage biomechanics by decreasing the tissue’s stiffness, strength, and resilience. Lipochondrocytes were found in multiple mammals, including humans, but not in nonmammalian tetrapods. Thus, analogous to bubble wrap, superstable lipid vacuoles confer skeletal tissue with cartilage-like properties without “packing foam-like” extracellular matrix.


View paper here.


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