Congratulations to Olga Jaime, Kathleen Leon, and Tori Tucker in recognition of their help with SoCal BioEYES.
In recognition of their help with SoCal BioEYEs, graduate student Olga Jaime received a Latino Excellence and Achievement Award.

Graduate student Kathleen Leon received the Graduate Fellowship Award at the Graduate Honors Gala.

Graduate Student Tori Tucker received Graduate Fellowship Award at the Graduate Honors Gala.

SoCal BioEYES, an outreach venture run by members of MBB and DCB, and supported by DEI Bio Sci, recently finished its second year of class this quarter.
To date this group has sent out volunteer undergrads and graduate students from the School of Bio Sci to teach classes to middle school students from the El Sol Academy in Santa Ana.
These classes are centered around using adult and embryonic zebrafish to carry out environmental experiments with 7th graders and genetic experiments with 8th graders.
Each class is a weeklong and involves a lot of hands-on research for the school kids to do and hopefully inspires an ongoing interest in STEM.
Congratulations to the whole team as we passed our 400th middle school student!